Confirm Shaming
Using guilt or social pressure to manipulate users into
confirming an action

Less than 5
of the applications studied, used some form of Confirm
Shaming in their designs
Travel Booking
was the only industry where instances of Confirm Shaming was observed (4 out of 8 apps)
App User Flow
Booking Journey
is where Confirm Shaming was commonly observed
A pattern that businesses employ to manipulate
users into performing an action by triggering
uncomfortable emotions, such as guilt or shame,
in order to discourage opt-outs
Ethical Alternatives
Ways in which design can address
Confirm Shaming

Polite Pathways
Offer respectful and straightforward pathways for users to confirm their choices without inducing guilt or pressure.
Need more Inspiration?
View 50+ Ethical Alternatives to
Privacy Deception and other Deceptive Patterns